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Jesus obeyed His Fathers Commandments and He asks us to demonstrate our love for Him by doing the same thing. Jesus reading from the second Commandment lovingly asks,
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15
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Eyes of the Crocodile Aroused Interest in More LE Books I felt impressed to visit one of my work mates who had resigned from United Nations employment before I did and has now become a very successful and well known businesswoman in town. Knowing how busy she was I tried calling her first on the phone to set up a time for us to meet. After trying many times without success, I finally managed to arrange a mutually convenient time. But I wasn't prepared for what awaited me when I arrived at the appointed time and place!
Imagine trying to canvass someone who's sitting at her desk, hardly looking at you or listening to what you are saying, being too busy attending to her many clients, and at the same time dishing out orders to half a dozen employees. You could almost hear the noise from a queue of people only a few metres away, calling out their orders for hot bread and savouries from my friend's bakery shop. (She also runs a wholesale business, house lease and food catering, among other things!)
In the midst of all that din, Maria Meredith paid cash for sets of My Bible Friends, Great Stories for Kids, Vital Facts for Boys and Everything a Growing Child Should Know for her young children. I had a copy of Eyes of the Crocodile, a devotional book for juniors, so I decided to take it along as a gift for Stephen, Maria's 12 year old son, when I delivered the books she had paid for.
I had tried several times since then to make contact with Maria, but with no luck, until one day I was standing in line at the bank, when who should be tugging at my sleeve but my friend Maria, with her bags of money for banking, excitedly telling me how much her son had enjoyed reading the books. Then, despite the many eyes and ears at the bank, she proceeded to relate how Stephen had taken little time in devouring all the books except the devotional book, which he had not showed any interest in, and had left untouched for many months. Then one day, having nothing else to read, he picked up Eyes of the Crocodile and, according to his mother, he reckoned it was one of the best books he had ever read and was now carrying it in his school bag to be read and reread during recess.
Meeting Maria unexpectedly at the bank, and her taking the time to relate all this to me at an awkward time and place, makes me believe she is now ready for more books. I also believe her son has awakened her interest in religious literature, and I know the Lord will soon provide me with an opportunity to introduce Maria and her family to more literature evangelist books. - Nese Suisala, Area Manager, Samoa
Please note: God calls the Catholic Church Babylon and the origin of Babylon and sun worship and paganism in the Catholic Church explains why. The reason for the Sabbath to Sunday change and our adversaries plan then becomes very clear. The number from the beast has amazing and almost lost information on how 666 came from Babylon and is now the number of a man. And the false secret rapture theory has deceived many on the truth of the second coming and is a must read. [law]
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